SFB_BatsDemoControl Class


NOTE: The death 2 animation is a loop. Depending on how fast you want your bat to fall, you should repeat that until the correct distance from the ground at which time you transition to Death 3. 10 frames into death 3, the bat will "hit" the ground and bounce. All of the vertical falling must be controlled by code. In some cases, the bat will be too close to the ground to make use of the death 2 animation.
Base Types
  • MonoBehaviour
graph BT Type-->Base0["MonoBehaviour"] Type["SFB_BatsDemoControl"] class Type type-node


public class SFB_BatsDemoControl : MonoBehaviour



Name Value Summary
startDeath() void
This starts the death, saving the start and end position.
UpdateLocomotion(float) void
Triggered by the "Locomotion" Slider
UpdateTurning(float) void
Triggered by the "Turning" slider, which will pass a value between -1 and 1.