AtavismRdpConnection Class

Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["AtavismRdpConnection"] class Type type-node


public class AtavismRdpConnection


Name Summary
AtavismRdpConnection(AtavismRdpConnectionManager, bool, UdpClient, IPEndPoint, int, int, bool) Constructor - should only be called by the connection manager object



Name Value Summary
Close() void
OnCloseWaitTimeout() void
This is called by the connection manager when the close wait timer has expired.
OnRetransmissionTick(DateTime) void
This is called periodically by the connection manager. Check the timers of each of the unacknowledged packets to see if they are due for retransmission.
OnSegmentArrival(AtavismRdpPacket, IPEndPoint) void
Method to handle segment arrival
Receive(IPEndPoint) byte[]
Receive a packet (blocks, and throws an exception if the connection is not open)
Send(AtavismRdpPacket) void
Takes a packet with nothing but the data portion filled, and does what is needed to send it out.
Send(byte[]) void
WaitForState(ConnectionState) bool
Wait until the connection shifts into the given state
WaitForState(ConnectionState, int) bool
Wait until the connection shifts into the given state