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Atavism X (10.11.0) – Date of release 22.12.2024

New Features

  • Effects: Added experience effect that can gain or lose experience.
  • Effects: Added Skill experience effect that can gain or lose experience for a defined skill.
  • Interactive Objects: New Dynamic Interactive Object System:
    • Interactive Objects can use Profiles for their definitions both static ones defined in scenes as well as the new dynamic ones. Interactive Objects can be dynamically instantiated using effects, and like all effects, they can be assigned to Abilities, Items, Skills, etc.
    • Interactive Objects have new parameters like number of usages, if it could be used by more than one player at the same time, or for how long it should remain in the scene after being instantiated. This lets you configure nice elements like shrines, campfires, and portals that can be used by other players.
  • Pets System: New Combat Pet System:
    • Pets can now equip items based on defined slots using the new Slots Profile module.
    • Pets can gain experience and level up. Upon leveling, pets can be modified using different mob templates. This can change their model, behavior, statistics, and abilities but also can affect available slots and everything per pet level.
    • Pets can be assigned to a category that is a statistic of Pet Count Type. This lets you modify it using normal effects that you are familiar with to increase the number of pets within a specific category. You can have as many groups as you want. There is also a new statistic of Pet Global Count Type that defines the maximum number of mobs within all categories.
    • Added new parameter for combat pets: PET_ALLOW_TYPE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED – Defines if the mob category count can be ignored in favor of global mob count – boolean – Default: false”
      Server: Added server version checks to the prefab server, so the client will receive information in runtime if the server version doesn’t match the client one.
    • Added new parameters for pets to follow and spawn:
      • PET_SPAWN_RANGE – defines range around the player (owner) where the pet will be spawned – float – default:1f (in meters)
      • PET_FOLLOW_RANGE – defines range around the player (owner) within which the mob will follow the owner – float – default 5f (in meters)
  • Added new race, class, and gender parameters for mobs, to let them equip items with specified item requirements.

Changes to existing features

  • Libraries: Updated log4j2 to version 2.24.3
  • Mobs: Modified fleeing to friends for mobs behavior, to not only calculate target location based on the average vector of friendly entities within the area, but instead grouping friendly entities based on angles and using an average vector of the most friendly entities group.
  • Server: Improved data loading efficiency for various templates that significantly reduced loading time during server startup (contributor @TheVisad).
  • Spawner: Modified spawner with additional parameters for roaming. Previously roaming mob randomized the destination point and after reaching it the next point was randomized after 5 seconds. This caused mobs to roam nearly simultaneously at the start and the value was hardcoded. Because roaming mobs consume much more resources than static ones, this is the reason why in games most mobs don’t roam or if so, they are not roaming frequently to just pretend to be living. That’s why we have added 3 parameters to configure them per mob/spawn basis:
    • Roam Delay Minimum/Roam Delay Maximum – These define a range for delay after which the mob will start to roam after the spawn, to remove constant intervals for all mobs
    • Roll Delay On Spawn/Each Roam – This determines whether the value from the defined range should be randomized once at the start or each time the destination point is reached.”
  • UI: Modified cooldowns displayed in the UI that now are also translated to minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months.


  • Character: Fixed the issue where the level 1 character died and lost the level then the character’s level was set to 0 which caused issues with skills, abilities, statistics, and more, because the player with level 0 shouldn’t exist.
  • Client: Handled the issue where spamming action using buttons was causing an unnatural amount of data being sent to the server, for example where the client was disconnected and all data were received by the server and processed nearly at the same time on multiple threads. This was causing item multiplication or data being not refreshed on the client in a specific order. Actions that are handled using the spam prevention system are: trading confirmation, mail sending confirmation, and switching weapon sets in the character window
  • Effects: Fixed the issue where if stat effect had positive and negative values for stats with skill modifier then the skill modifier was causing to increase the value of the negative stat instead of increasing its negative power (contributor @Jagatai)
  • Effects: Fixed the issue where if in ability there was a defined effect on the caster then it was receiving parameters for the target and not for the caster (contributor @Jagatai)
  • Interactive Objects: Fixed the issue where deleting Interactive Objects using Atavism Editor inside Unity was causing to delete them from all scenes and not only from opened ones.
  • Mail System: Fixed the issue where mail returned to the sender after 30 days which was potential item duplication if they were included in mails.
  • Mobs: Fixed the issue where stats assigned to a mob template using the old method that is no longer supported, were loaded and used.
  • UI: Fixed the issue where the cursor remained in the input field preventing the player from moving.
  • UI: Fixed the issue that it was impossible to activate the ability from the skill window.
  • UI: Fixed the issue where levels for crafting skills were missing in the skill window panel.
  • UI: Fixed the issue with a dropdown list that generated a warning when the list was empty, which was always empty at startup.
  • UI: Fixed the issue where the health of the target wasn’t refreshed properly in the UI.

Known issues

  • When in crafting definition there is no “Must Match Layout” option checked and for example, the same material is used for two slots with the same count, then if that material will be added into the crafting grid in one slot it will show the result item and craft button available, but the server will response that there are no sufficient items. It’s related to that server is checking requirements for an item in each slot for the recipe and if that amount is in the crafting grid.
  • When an item reward and an item choice reward are the same then the item count for that item is overridden.

Fresh installation of Atavism X (10.11.0)

In order to install Atavism you can choose one of three types of installation:

1. Use a premade Virtual Machine which is an Atavism-ready environment by following the Atavism Virtual Machine Installation process.

2. Use detailed instructions on what environment requirements should be met in order to install Atavism on your dedicated server.

3. Use the installation tutorial with our new Atavism Windows Manager for Windows Environment.

Then you should adjust your Unity project to work best with Atavism

If you are going to use UMA in your project you can follow the UMA installation step by step.

it is also recommended to refresh lighting and Asset Bundles because both are related to a specific Unity version. In order to rebuild your Asset Bundles (Bomber Bug is using them), you should head into the top menu in Unity Editor and choose Assets->Atavism Build AssetBundles (it will rebuild your asset bundles and then you should navigate to your project directory, and copy file infinitypbr from project_directoryAssetBundles to project_directoryAssetsStreamingAssets.


Updating to Atavism X (10.11.0)

Updating from Atavism X (10.10.0) to Atavism X (10.11.0) is moderately complicated due to many changes on both the server and client sides.

It is highly recommended you create a backup of your server, client, and databases before proceeding in case something goes wrong during the process.

Update using our Virtual Machine Installation

Step 1: Log in to your Virtual Machine using the WinSCP client and remove the atavism_server*.zip file first and then the atavism_server directory completely

Step 2: Follow instructions like you would do the first installation but with the option Update Current Atavism depending on your installation (Core or with Demo Data). Open address in a web browser http://server_IP/atavism/installation/install.php

Warning: Make a Unity project backup. Importing the prefabs may break any customizations you had previously made to Your ones.

Step 3: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.11.0_Patch_10.10.0_for_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before.

Step 4: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open the AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene and for the Login scene. In this Atavism version, there is a new UI Toolkit used for the UI and you can find both new and old UI blank scenes in the project. Scenes that use the new Unity UI Toolkit reside in the Assets/Dragonsan/Scenes/UI Toolkit directory.

Update using Custom Linux Installation

Step 1: Replace Server Files

Copy over all server files and adjust them as you did before with the previous Atavism version. Because server-side scripts and configuration files were changed, we recommend you put a fresh copy of the Atavism 10.11.0 server files.

Step 2: Update the Databases

Important note: Each time you are updating your database or files make a backup to have a copy of your work

Scripts to update your Atavism X (10.10.0) databases to Atavism X (10.11.0) are in your Atavism Server package. There are two types of scripts, structure, and data for both types of installations (Core and with Demo Data), you should use the proper ones depending on your previous installation method. In order to update the database, first, you have to update the structure, and then the data. The script file for structure update :

  • sql/updates/From_Atavism10.10.0/{Core|Demo}/Structure/atavism.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism10.10.0/{Core|Demo}/Structure/admin.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism10.10.0/{Core|Demo}/Structure/world_content.sql

and script files for data updates:

  • sql/updates/From_Atavism10.10.0/{Core|Demo}/Data/admin.sql
  • sql/updates/From_Atavism10.10.0/{Core|Demo}/Data/world_content.sql

If you have renamed any of your databases from the default names (admin, atavism, master, world_content) make sure you have proper names in the “use” clause at the beginning of each script.

Step 3: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.11.0_Patch_10.10.0_for_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before.

Step 4: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open the AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene and for the Login scene. In this Atavism version, there is a new UI Toolkit used for the UI and you can find both new and old UI blank scenes in the project. Scenes that use the new Unity UI Toolkit reside in the Assets/Dragonsan/Scenes/UI Toolkit directory.


Update using Atavism Windows Manager Installation

Step 1: Open the directory where you installed Atavism Manager (by default in c:\Atavism Manager)

Step 2: Rename the atavism_server directory to atavism_server_old or any other name

Step 3: Download the Atavism server zip file from apanel

Step 4: Unpack the atavism_server*.zip file into your Atavism Manager installation directory

Step 5: In the Atavism Windows Manager panel start the database

Step 6: Open the command line console Windows + r shortcut and type cmd

Step 7: Change the directory to your Atavism Manager installation directory by typing the command

cd “c:\Atavism Manager\mariadb-5.5.61-win32\bin” or cd “c:\Atavism Manager\mariadb-10.6.11-winx64\bin” depending on which version of the database you are using

Step 8: Invoke database update commands where the root is the database user, the test is the password for the database user, following with by the path to the Atavism Manager installation directory. If you are not using our default databases, please adjust these commands.

If you have renamed any of your databases from the default names (admin, atavism, master, world_content) make sure you have proper names in the “use” clause at the beginning of each script.

Important note: Each time you are updating your database or files make a backup to have a copy of your work

mysql -u root -ptest atavism < "c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism10.10.0\Demo\Structure\atavism.sql"

mysql -u root -ptest admin < "c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism10.10.0\Demo\Structure\admin.sql"

mysql -u root -ptest world_content < "c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism10.10.0\Demo\Structure\world_content.sql"

mysql -u root -ptest admin < "c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism10.10.0\Demo\Data\admin.sql"

mysql -u root -ptest world_content < "c:\Atavism Manager\atavism_server\sql\updates\From_Atavism10.10.0\Demo\Data\world_content.sql"

You can use any third-party tool to handle this process for example MySQL Workbench or any other database management tool

Step 9: Start the Atavism.exe application

Step 10: Fill data according to your previous configuration including database credentials (if you changed them)

Step 11: Import Atavism Unity Package, Replace Files

Import the AtavismUnity_10.11.0_Patch_10.10.0_for_{Core|Demo}.unitypackage depending on which installation you did before.

Step 12: Update the UI Canvas

This procedure depends on how you modified your canvas. If it’s default then just open the AtavismBlankMainWorld scene and replace all components within your world scene, and repeat this procedure for the CharacterSelection scene and for the Login scene. In this Atavism version, there is a new UI Toolkit used for the UI and you can find both new and old UI blank scenes in the project. Scenes that use the new Unity UI Toolkit reside in the Assets/Dragonsan/Scenes/UI Toolkit directory.



List of changed files:

New Files (44)

Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Animation\DS_Roll_Forward.anim
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Animation\DS_Roll_Forward_90.anim
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Materials\Circle.mat
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Materials\Flare.mat
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Materials\FlareInner.mat
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Materials\Glow.mat
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Materials\PortalInner.mat
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Prefabs\Sparks.prefab
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Textures\Circle.png
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Textures\Flare.png
Atavism demo\DragonsanStudios\Effects\Textures\PortalInner.png
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Textures\CampFire_Pieces_A_Campfires_A1_AlbedoTransparency_sRGB.png
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Textures\CampFire_Pieces_A_Campfires_A1_MetallicSmoothness_Raw.png
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Textures\CampFire_Pieces_A_Campfires_A1_Normal_Raw.png
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Textures\Smoke B.png
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Campfires_A1.mat
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Ember_Effect_Mat_A.mat
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Materials\Smoke_Effect_Mat.mat
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Campfire_A1.fbx
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Campfire_Smoke_A1.prefab
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\FBX\Embers_A1.prefab
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\Prefabs\Props (MMM)\Fire_Pit_A1(Lit).prefab
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\Prefabs\Props (MMM)\Fire_Pit_A1(Lit)_withFire.prefab
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\AquariusMax\Prefabs\Props (MMM)\Fire_Pit_A1(UnLit).prefab
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\SupportFiles\UIAtavismPetProfileEntry.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismPetInventoryPanel.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismPetProfileEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismPetCharacter.uxml
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Prefabs\UI\Dragonsan Pet CharacterPanel.prefab
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\UI Components\PetCharacter.renderTexture

Modified Files (193)

Atavism demo\OtherPackages\KriptoFX\Realistic Effects Pack v4\Effects\Materials\Effect3\DecalCollision 1.mat
Atavism demo\OtherPackages\KriptoFX\Realistic Effects Pack v4\Effects\Prefabs\Effects\Effect3.prefab
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\Scripts\Data\ATAVISM_PROPERTIES.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Library\panel_AtavismMiniWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Library\panel_AtavismWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Base\UIAtavismActivatable.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Base\UIAtavismWindowBase.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Custom UI\UIDropdownPopup.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Custom UI\UITextField.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\HUD\Controllers\UIAtavismEffectSlot.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\HUD\UIAtavismAnnouncementsManager.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\HUD\UIAtavismChatManager.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\HUD\UIAtavismPortraitsManager.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\SupportFiles\UIAtavismAbilitySlot.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\SupportFiles\UIAtavismCharacterEquipSlot.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\SupportFiles\UIAtavismCraftSkillSlot.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\SupportFiles\UIAtavismGlobalEventEntry.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismAchievement.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismArenaList.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismCharacterProfileManager.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismFactionStances.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismGearModification.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismMailBox.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismMailCompose.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismMobCreator.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismPetCommands.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismPlayerShopList.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismSceneLoader.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismSocialPanel.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismTooltip.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Scripts\Game\Windows\UIAtavismVipWindow.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Settings\UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme.tss
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Style Sheets\AtavismDefaultStyleSheet.uss
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\TooltipAttributeRow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\TooltipResourceRow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\TooltipSocketRow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\TooltipSpaceRow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\TooltipTitleRow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismAbilityEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismAchievementListEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismActivatable.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismActivatableDrag.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismAdminChooseListEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismAuctionItemListEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismBuilderCircleButton.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismClaimPanelEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismCurrencyPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismDialogueOptionEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismGlobalEventsEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismGuildRankElement.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismLootItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismMerchantItem 1.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismMerchantItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismQuestLogPreviewEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismQuestLogPreviewEntryObjective.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismQuestOfferReputationEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismQuestRewardSlot.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismResourceLootItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismShopItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismShopListEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismSlotItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismSlotItemDisplay.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismSpawnerPointList.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismSpawnerTextList.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Dependencies\UIAtavismTradeItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismAchievement.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismArenaWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismAuctionPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismBankWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismCraftingBookPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Windows\UIAtavismCraftingOld.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\Canvas.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAnnouncementsScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtaviamChatScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismActionBar.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismActionCombo.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismAdminPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismArenaScore.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismBuilderCircleMenu.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismCastingBar.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismCharacter.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismClaimsPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismConfirmPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismControllSettings.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismCrosshair.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismDeathPopup.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismFactionPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismFloatingPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismFloatingPanelEntry.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGameMenu.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGearModWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGlobalEvents.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildAddMemberPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildCreatePanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildEditMotdPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildSettings.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismGuildWarehousePanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismInventoryManager.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismLogoutPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismLooting.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismMailPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismMailReadWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismMenuBar.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismMerchantPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismMiniTooltip.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismNpcDialogue.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismOtherCharacter.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismPetCommands.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismPowerUp.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismQuestLogPreview.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismQuestPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismRanking.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismRepair.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismResourceLootPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismSettings.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismShopCreatePanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismShopListPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismShopPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismSkillOldWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismSkillWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismSocialPanel.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismSpawner.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismTalentsWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismTimer.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismTooltip.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismTradeWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismVip.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismVIPWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismWorldBuilderWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIAtavismXPBar.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIExampleWindow.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Game\UIPortraitsScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\Dependencies\UIAtavismSelectionServerItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\Dependencies\UICharacterSelectionServerItem.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\Dependencies\UICustomizerItemSliderController.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UICharacterCreationScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UICharacterSelectionSceneScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UICharacterServerSelectionScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UIDialogPopupScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UILoadingPrefabData.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UILoginSceneScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism (UI Toolkit)\UI\Uxml\Lobby\UIQueueScreen.uxml
Dragonsan\Atavism Core\Base\AtavismClient.cs
Dragonsan\Atavism Core\Editor\InitialSetup.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismEditor\Editor\Data Structures\MobSpawnData.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\Editor\AtavismMobSpawnMarkerEditor.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\Editor\AtavismMobSpawnMarkerGeneratorEditor.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\Editor\InteractiveObjectEditor.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\AtavismMobSpawnMarker.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\AtavismMobSpawnMarkerGenerator.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\InteractiveObject.cs
Dragonsan\AtavismObjects\Scripts\GameObject Components\ResourceNode.cs
Dragonsan\Scenes\UI Toolkit\Login.unity
Dragonsan\Scenes\UI Toolkit\MainWorld.unity