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Mob Spawn Data Plugin

Atavism 10.2.0+

Create new mob spawn data

Name: Name of Spawn Data

Mob Template: Select from the drop-down list a mob template which can be defined in Mobs Template Plugin

Num Spawns: Number of mobs to spawn

Spawn Radius: Area around spawn point where the mob will be spawned

Respawn Time (ms): Respawn time after the mob is destroyed to re-appear (obsolete).  The mob will be spawned only once.

Corps Despawn Time (ms): Time after which mobs corpse will disappear

Combat: Is mob should be able to attack enemies

Roam Radius (m): Roam area in meters

Merchant Table: Select Merchant Table from the list if the mob should have a trade offer

Mob Spawn Data Plugin can be used to spawn wild mobs using Combat Effects Plugin which can be attached to:

Ability to simulate something like spawning additional mobs, imagine Orc Shaman, when he will reach 50% of HP will use an Ability to summon his warrior minions around him with cooldown high enough to not overload the area. Such Ability can be also attached to an Item, so when you use it, it can be something like fast Merchant/Trader at your command or challenger if the spawned mob will be hostile.

Claim object where you can define Mob/NPC to spawn at the latest stage for building, so when the last stage will be built Mob/NPC will be spawned.

Interactive Object or Region, to simulate something like an ambush, so when you will enter Region or click Interactive Object it will spawn a mob(s).

Atavism 10.1.0-

Create new mob spawn data

Name: Name of Spawn Data

Mob Template: Select from the drop-down list a mob template which can be defined in Mobs Template Plugin

Num Spawns: Number of mobs to spawn

Spawn Radius: Area around spawn point where the mob will be spawned

Respawn (ms): Respawn time after the mob is destroyed to re-appear (obsolete).  The mob will be spawned only once.

Corps Despawn (ms): Time after which mobs corpse will disappear

Has Combat: Is mob should be able to attack an enemies

Roam Radius (m): Roam area in meters

Merchant Table: Select Merchant Table from the list if the mob should have a trade offer

Loot Table: Select Loot Table from the list (obsolete, loot table from Mob Template will be used instead)

Is a chest? Checkbox if Yes (obsolete)

Pickup Item: Select an item from a dropdown list. Item can be defined in Items Plugin. To use it, for now, it requires selecting Mob/NPC which was spawned by using Mobs Spawn Data Plugin and write /openMob on chat. In the next release, it will be implemented to use it automatically or removed (obsolete)

Mob Spawn Data Plugin can be used to spawn wild mobs using Combat Effects Plugin which can be attached to:

Ability to simulate something like spawning additional mobs, imagine Orc Shaman, when he will reach 50% of HP will use an Ability to summon his warrior minions around him with cooldown high enough to not overload the area. Such Ability can be also attached to an Item, so when you use it, it can be something like fast Merchant/Trader at your command or challenger if the spawned mob will be hostile.

Claim object where you can define Mob/NPC to spawn at the latest stage for building, so when the last stage will be built Mob/NPC will be spawned.

Interactive Object or Region, to simulate something like an ambush, so when you will enter Region or click Interactive Object it will spawn a mob(s).