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Playing Your Game

Once you have the server up and running and Unity playing nice it’s time to play your game. This page helps with basic movement, interaction, and special commands to explore your game world.


Movement and Camera Control

There are three ways you can move your character:

  1. Use the WASD keys on your keyboard.
  2. Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard.
  3. Hold down both mouse buttons on your mouse.

Holding down just the left mouse button will move the camera around while holding just the right button will move your character around with the camera. Scrolling with the mouse wheel will move the camera in/out depending on the direction you scroll.

Other useful keys:

  • The \ key will toggle walking/running.
  • The Numlock key will toggle autorun.


A basic chatbox is provided in the bottom left corner of the screen allowing you to talk with other players (or type commands). To start typing a new message you can either:

  • Press the enter key
  • Click on the text field area at the bottom of the chatbox.

When you have finished typing your message press the Enter key again to send the message. It will appear to nearby players.

You can also link items, abilities, etc. on the chat by SHIFT + MB.


Interacting with the World

Some objects in the world can be interacted with, such as Resource Nodes, Crafting stations, and mailboxes. Generally, either the cursor or the color of the object will change when you have moused over an interactive object indicating you can click on it. Try clicking on different objects to see what they do. Note that you often have to be pretty close to make them do anything.

During trading with a merchant, you can purchase one item or a specific number of items by pressing ALT + MB


Using Items

Items in your inventory can be used in two ways: they can be activated or they can be moved.

To activate an item left click on it. For items that can be equipped it will be equipped on your character, for ability items (such as a potion or amount whistle) it will activate the ability (and may remove the item from your bag). Not all items can be activated so left-clicking on some items may do nothing.

To move an item in your inventory right-click on it, this will “pick up” the item, replacing your cursor. You can now choose where you want to place the item. Placing it in another slot in your bag will move it there. Placing it out in the world will bring up a dialog box asking if you want to delete the item.

To split items from the stack you can use ALT + LMB to split the stack by half or to take one item from the stack you can use ALT + RMB.



By default, your character will have an auto-attack ability which can be activated by right-clicking on an enemy. The cursor will change to a sword when you have moved your cursor over an enemy target. The bottom action bar may contain other abilities that can be used as well. You can click the left mouse button on the ability to activate it.


In-Game Commands

Note that these are case-sensitive.


General Commands

  1. /goto spawn (teleports you to spawn point)
  2. /loc (gets your location or someone you have targeted)
  3. /w name message (the name is the person’s name you want to whisper to)
  4. /whisper name message (the name is the person’s name you want to whisper to)
  5. /release (releases you from death state)
  6. /orient (shows orientation of you or target)
  7. /1 message (send the message within the same instance)
  8. /2 message (send the message globally)
  9. /g message (send message to guild members)
  10. /group message (send message to group members)
  11. /stuck (teleporting character to the spawn location)

Admin Only Commands

  1. /who (Shows who is online)
  2. /props (shows all your properties or the person targeted)
  3. /prop str (shows all properties that contain ‘str’)
  4. /admin (opens the admin UI which contains easy to use buttons for nearly all the commands below)
  5. /gm 1 (turn on GM mode meaning you can’t be hurt by attacks. Change to /gm 0 to turn it off).
  6. /changeInstance name (name is exact instance name)
  7. /gi # # (generates the item based on the template id. The first # is the item number set in Item Plugin, the second optional # represents how many)
  8. /spawner (brings up the World Builder tool to spawn mobs)
  9. /fly (allows the player to fly)
  10. /fly stop (stops flying)
  11. /getExp # (gives the specified amount of exp to the player)
  12. /getCurrency # # (gives a specified amount of currency. The first # is the currency id, the second # is the amount).
  13. /getSkillCurrent # # (your player gains the specified amount of points in the given skill. First # is the skill id, the second # is the number of points to gain)
  14. /gotoplayer playerName (teleports you to the position of the specified player)
  15. /admininfo message (will send an announcement message to all players within the server)
  16. /moveDebugOn message will show the movement path of the selected mob (Implemented in Atavism X.2). To enable this component somewhere in the scene you must have the Atavism Move Debug component. There are 3 markers spawned in the scene: white – server-side actual position, blue – server-side destination position based on interpolation (this position will be sent to the client where the mob should reach), green  – server-side destination point.
  17. /moveDebugOff message will disable movement debug mode for the selected mob (Implemented in Atavism X.2)
  18. /kick playerName (will kick the player from the server)
  19. /banUserName playerName (will kick and ban the player from the server. To unban you have to modify the account in the Atavism Standalone Editor)
  20. /ban (will kick and ban the selected player from the server. To unban you have to modify the account in the Atavism Standalone Editor)
  21. /navmashDebug turns on debug mode for ability raycasts (Implemented in Atavism X.9)
  22. /navmeshDebugOff turns off debug mode for ability raycasts (Implemented in Atavism X.9)
  23. /abilityDebug turns on debug mode for ability angles (Implemented in Atavism X.9)
  24. /abilityDebugOff turns off debug mode for ability raycasts (Implemented in Atavism X.9)