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Setting Up Casting Animation Speed

With Atavism 10.9, your character’s cast_time statistic which affects your casting speed, can also affect your animation speed.

The server sends information (multiplier) about how the cast_time parameter was modified, and this is related to the Atavism CoordEffect component where you have a field called Animator Casting Speed Param Name. You can call it whatever you want, by default we called it castingMod in the Demo package.

Then on the animation controller (the default one is located in Assets/Dragonsan/AtavismObjects/AnimatorController.controller

In the left section of the Animator window, you can find the mentioned parameter name

And on the desired animation state, like attack, you have to turn on the Multiplier Parameter on the right and select the mentioned castingMod parameter in the field of the Multiplier. Then this animation state will be affected by the castingMod parameter which reflects your character’s cast_time statistic.