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Atavism Standalone Editor


  • Fixed issue with deactivation for items.


  • Modified typo in the Rankings from “Expirience” to “Experience”.
  • Modified value validator for item stats from Integer > 0 to Integer in general to allow negative values.
  • Modified enchant profiles module, to display damage and damagep as well as a fixed issue where stat_value wasn’t read from the database.
  • Increased the length of the parameter name in Game Settings.
  • Added  “show on the player” field in effects to visualize specific effects in the UI in-game.
  • Added displaying the server and database version

  • Removed ability setting directly on mob template.
  • Fixed issue when AoE type was not reset to None when it was switched to something else.


  • Removed the “None” option from the Ability Coord Effect Event [1-5] and set the default value to “Activating”
  • Removed the “None” option from the Act. Target [1-6]


  • Modified item slot type field in the slots module to make it required.
  • Modified item slots field in the slots groups module to make it required.


  • Fixed the issue with converting icons in the profile form.
  • Fixed the issue with Player Templates “Copy To” option.
  • Modified Player Template module to update all Templates related to the edited Race when the Race description was changed.


  • Fixed issue where saving an icon caused that exception message has been saved in the log, even the icon was saved properly.
  • Added the option to save the entry as a new copy. This gives you the ability to edit elements that are as a sub-list, for example, while editing ability, you can open the attached effect and duplicate it without leaving the ability form.



  • Modified Threat effect to allow negative threat value.
  • Modified Threat effect to make threat value field as required.
  • Fixed issue with ability where “Count of Abilities” and “Ability to Disable with Tag” fields were visible by default, even Is Toggle field was set to false.


  • Added option to close all tabs as well as all other tabs using the right mouse button on any of the tabs.

  • Added option to easier deactivates entries on the list using a checkbox in the table view.

  • Added option to show active/inactive elements.

    You can also define what elements should be displayed by default in the profile

  •  Added option to invoke bulk actions to activate/deactivate/delete

  • Added option where Atavism Standalone Editor will check for updates and display information if any update is available.

    Updates will be checked with each start or on-demand using the menu option

    You can enable or disable updates checking using the new application panel

  • Fixed profile switching.