Effects Plugin
Atavism 10.11.0+
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, and Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, and Flying, but also the Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be built when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: The effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing the aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention from mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If the spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawned through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, its level, Health, etc. When effect with the such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: The effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to a specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: The effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, or Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Shield: Effect defines how much damage the player with the effect can absorb or reflect.
Change Class: Effect defines to which class changes the player.
Unlearn Ability: Effect will unlearn selected ability.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
- Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
- Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Subtype: Attack Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type, like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). It is only for a single target and doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: Deines how much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Attack DoT Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define the chance per each loot table to be used.
Count (1-5): Define the maximum number of items that can be chosen per selected loot table.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Profile: Select a profile that defines leveling, profiles, as well as sockets the pet can have. More about Pet Profile can be found here.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter is set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified?
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active?
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability?
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy or a Friend.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Change Class Properties
Subtype: Change Class Effect
New Class: Defines a new class for which the player class will be replaced.
Reset Abilities: Defines if the abilities should be reset (unlearned).
Reset Skill Stats: Defines if skills stats should be recalculated.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Unlearn Ability Properties
Subtype: Unlearn Ability Effect
Ability: Select an Ability that will be u9nlearn on the character upon the effect usage.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Spawn Interactive Object
Subtype: Spawn Interactive Object Effect
Interactive Object Profile: Select an Interactive Object Profile that defines all Interactive Object parameters.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Experience Effect
Experience: Defines how much experience the player will gain/lose upon the effect’s usage.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Skill Experience
Subtype: Skill Experience Effect
Skill: Select a skill that should gain/lose experience upon effect’s usage.
Experience: Defines how much skill experience the player will gain/lose upon the effect’s usage.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Atavism 10.8.0-10.10.0
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, and Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, and Flying, but also the Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be built when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: The effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing the aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention from mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If the spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawned through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, its level, Health, etc. When effect with the such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: The effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to a specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: The effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, or Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Shield: Effect defines how much damage the player with the effect can absorb or reflect.
Change Class: Effect defines to which class changes the player.
Unlearn Ability: Effect will unlearn selected ability.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
- Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
- Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Subtype: Attack Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type, like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). It is only for a single target and doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: Deines how much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Attack DoT Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define the chance per each loot table to be used.
Count (1-5): Define the maximum number of items that can be chosen per selected loot table.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter is set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified?
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active?
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability?
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy or a Friend.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Change Class Properties
Subtype: Change Class Effect
New Class: Defines a new class for which the player class will be replaced.
Reset Abilities: Defines if the abilities should be reset (unlearned).
Reset Skill Stats: Defines if skills stats should be recalculated.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Unlearn Ability Properties
Subtype: Unlearn Ability Effect
Ability: Select an Ability that will be u9nlearn on the character upon the effect usage.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Atavism 10.7.0
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, and Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, and Flying, but also the Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be built when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: The effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing the aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention from mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If the spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawned through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, its level, Health, etc. When effect with the such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: The effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to a specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: The effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, or Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Shield: Effect defines how much damage the player with the effect can absorb or reflect.
Change Class: Effect defines to which class changes the player.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
- Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
- Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Subtype: Attack Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type, like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). It is only for a single target and doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: Deines how much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Attack DoT Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define the chance per each loot table to be used.
Count (1-5): Define the maximum number of items that can be chosen per selected loot table.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter is set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified?
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active?
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability?
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy or a Friend.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Show on Player: Defines if the effect should be visible on your player’s active effect section near your avatar.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player hovers over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Change Class Properties
Subtype: Change Class Effect
New Class: Defines a new class for which the player class will be replaced.
Reset Abilities: Defines if the abilities should be reset (unlearned).
Reset Skill Stats: Defines if skills stats should be recalculated.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Atavism 10.6.0
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, and Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, and Flying, but also the Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be built when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: The effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing the aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention from mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If the spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawned through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, its level, Health, etc. When effect with the such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: The effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to a specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: The effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, or Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
- Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and whether is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
- Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Subtype: Attack Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type, like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). It is only for a single target and doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: Deines how much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Attack DoT Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Use Weapon: Defines if weapon damage should be used for the damage calculations.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Defines which statistic is altered by this effect. It can be any statistic with a Vitality Type like health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: Defines how much time in seconds the effect will be delayed by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on the subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: Defines how many times can the effect be stacked on the target. This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. Defines how many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount (Min-Max): Defines the value range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Amount (Min-Max) Percentage: Defines the percentage range of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The statistic that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type, and the Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt the ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define the chance per each loot table to be used.
Count (1-5): Define the maximum number of items that can be chosen per selected loot table.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter is set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define the position in the world to which the player will be bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified?
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage?
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active?
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability?
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy or a Friend.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below the player avatar)?
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used)?
Skill Type: Select a skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times can the effect be stacked on the target? This only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for overtime effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration?
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect that exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Change Class Properties
Subtype: Change Class Effect
New Class: Defines a new class for which the player class will be replaced.
Reset Abilities: Defines if the abilities should be reset (unlearned).
Reset Skill Stats: Defines if skills stats should be recalculated.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Atavism 10.5.0
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined Location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, Flying, but also Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be build when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: Effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention of mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawn through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, it’s level, Health, etc. When effect with such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: Effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to the specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: Effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Attack Effect: Attack type of damage
- Attack DoT Effect: Attack type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
- Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Attack damage types take into account statistics defined in the Damage Plugin where you can set statistics defined in the Stats Plugin.
Subtype: Melle Strike Effect, Magical Strike Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). Only for a single target, doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: How much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: How much time in seconds the effect will be delayed on by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Physical DoT Effect, Magical DoT Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: How much time in seconds the effect will be delayed on by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model to which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define chance per each loot table to be used.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter will be set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define position in the world to which the player will bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified.
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active.
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability.
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy of Friendly.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Change Class Properties
Subtype: Change Class Effect
New Class: Defines a new class for which the player class will be replaced.
Reset Abilities: Defines if the abilities should be reset (unlearned).
Reset Skill Stats: Defines if skills stats should be recalculated.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Atavism 10.2.0/10.3.0/10.4.0
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Melee Strike Effect: Physical type of damage
Magical Strike Effect: Magical type of damage
Physical DoT Effect: Physical type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Magical DoT Effect: Magical type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Physical damage types take into account Physical Power Stat Function which is configurable for Stat and can be defined in Stats Plugin. Important factors are also damaging type and resistance to that damage.
Note: Magical damage types take into account the Magical Power Stat Function which is configurable for Stat and can be defined in Stats Plugin. Important factors are also damaging type and resistance to that damage.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: The stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: The sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps the model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as a normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to a defined Location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, Flying, but also Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows you to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Defines Building Object to be build when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: Effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention of mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawn through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow its master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, it’s level, Health, etc. When effect with such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: Effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to the specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Vip: Effect defines the number VIP of points and the number of VIP time that will be added upon usage.
Bonuses: Effect defines up to 5 bonuses that are defined in the Bonus Plugin. Bonuses can be value or percentage but this depends on the bonus definition, some are only of value, and some only percentage.
Trap: Effect defines a typical trap, that can trigger a defined ability when an enemy will enter the trap size/range.
Stealth: Effect defines how many stealth points the player will get.
Trigger: Effect defines what effect/ability should be executed upon a trigger event, where you can select: Dodge, Miss, Damage, Heal, Critical, Kill, Parry, Sleep, Stun. This can be defined within the Effects Trigger Profile Module.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Melee Strike Effect: Should be used for physical one-time damage types.
- Magical Strike Effect: Should be used for magical one-time damage types.
- Physical Dot: Should be used for magical effects that deal damage over time.
- Magical Dot: Should be used for magical effects that deal damage over time.
- Flat Damage Effect: Should be used for flat one-time damage types.
Subtype: Melle Strike Effect, Magical Strike Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). Only for a single target, doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: How much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: How much time in seconds the effect will be delayed on by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Physical DoT Effect, Magical DoT Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple?: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once? Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Flat Damage Effect
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Damage Delay: How much time in seconds the effect will be delayed on by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: Based on subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- Heal Instant Effect: Applies the full heal instantly.
- Heal Over Time Effect: Applies the heal over time in pulses.
- Health Transfer Effect: Takes the defined vitality stat from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Subtype: Heal Instant Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Heal Over Time Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse time is Duration / Num Pulses.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Subtype: Health Transfer Effect
Restore Amount: Defines the value of restored vitality stat.
Restore Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Defines the transfer ratio between the vitality stat that is taken from the caster and transferred to the target. Ratio 1 means it will be 100%.
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Revive Effect Properties
Subtype: Revive Effect
Vitality Stat (1-3): Defines vitality stats affected by this effect
% Gain (1-3): Defines the percentage value of the affected vitality stats for this effect.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stat Effect Properties
Subtype: Stat Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat (1-5): The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification (1-5): How much the statistic will be modified by.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Stun Effect Properties
Subtype: Stun Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Sleep Effect Properties
Subtype: Sleep Effect
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Immune Effect Properties
Subtype: Immune Effect
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Morph Effect Properties
Subtype: Morph Effect
Model: Defines the model to which the player will be morphed.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Morph Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Remove Existing Morphs: Defines if other morph effects should be removed when this one is applied.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Interruption Chance/Interruption Chance Max: Defines chance range that this effect will interrupt ability cast by the target, but only if the ability has the interruptible option enabled.
Force Interruption?: Defines if this effect should always interrupt the ability cast by the target.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Dispel Effect Properties
Subtype: Dispel Effect
Dispel Type: Defines what kind of effects it will dispel. You can select All or by Tags, and define effect tags, which can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Amount To Remove: Defines the number of effects to dispel.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Effect Properties
Subtype: Teleport Effect
Teleport Type: Standard
Instance: Defines to what instance the player will be teleported. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define position in the world to which the player will be teleported to.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teleport Type: To Target
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Mount Effect Properties
Subtype: Mount Effect
Model: Defines the model to which will be summoned and to which the player will be bound.
Switch to ActionBar: Defines the action bar to which it will be swapped when the player will be morphed.
Mount Type: Defines the type of morph. You can select one of:
- Ground
- Swimming
- Flying
Speed Increase %: Defines how the speed statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Stat Change: Defines additional statistics that will be modified while the player will be mounted.
Modification: Defines how the additional statistic will be modified when the player will be mounted.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Build Object Effect Properties
Subtype: Build Object Effect
Build Object: Defines the building which will be built. It can be defined in the Build Object Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Ability Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Ability Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Teach Skill Effect Properties
Subtype: Teach Skill Effect
Ability: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Skills And Talents Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Task Effect Properties
Subtype: Task Effect
Task: Defines the Ability which will be learned. It can be defined in the Task Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
State Effect Properties
Subtype: State Effect
State: Defines the State which will be set to true when this effect will be active. States can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Threat Effect Properties
Subtype: Threat Effect
Threat Amount: Defines the number of Threat Points that will be added by this effect. Based on the Threat Points mob is aggroing and choosing its target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item Effect
Item: Defines the item that will be created. It can be defined in the Items Plugin.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Create Item From Loot Effect Properties
Subtype: Create Item From Loot Effect
Loot Table (1-5): Define the loot table that will be used to generate items. It can be defined in the Loot Tables Plugin.
Chance (1-5): Define chance per each loot table to be used.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Effect Properties
Subtype: Spawn Effect
Spawn Type: Wild
Spawn Data: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Non-Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: (Only for Combat Pet).
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Spawn Type: Combat Pet
Pet Model: Defines a wild mob that will be spawned. It can be defined in the Mobs Plugin.
Duration (s): How long the mob will last.
Passive Effect: Defines the effect that will be applied to the pet.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Set Respawn Location Effect Properties
Subtype: Set Respawn Location Effect
Instance: Defines to what instance will be set as the future respawn location for the player. An instance can be defined in the Instance Plugin. It will only work if the USE_PLAYER_SET_RESPAWN_LOCATIONS parameter will be set to true in the Game Settings Plugin.
Position X, Y, Z: Define position in the world to which the player will bound.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Vip Effect Properties
Subtype: Vip Effect
Extend time (minutes): Defines how many minutes will be added to the VIP time. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Points: Defines how many points will be added to the VIP. Vip levels can be defined in the Vip Plugin.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Bonuses Effect Properties
Subtype: Bonuses Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Bonus (1-5): The bonuses that will be altered by this effect. Bonuses can be defined in the Bonus Plugin.
Value (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified.
Value % (1-5): How much the bonuses will be modified by percentage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trap Effect Properties
Subtype: Trap Effect
Size: Defines if size in meters within which the trap will be activated if an affected entity will enter it.
Duration (s): How long the trap will remain active.
Activation Time (s): How long the trap will require to activate the assigned ability.
Target Type: Defines the target type on which the trap will react. It can be an Enemy of Friendly.
Ability: Defines triggered ability when the trap will be activated. Ability can be defined in the Abilities Plugin.
Model: Defines the trap model which will be instantiated to visualize the trap. It must be in the Assets/Resources directory to let Unity access it in runtime.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Stealth Effect Properties
Subtype: Stealth Effect
Effect Stays After Logout?: Defines if the effect should stay on the player after relog.
Stealth: Defines stealth statistic points that will be received by the player upon the effect usage.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Trigger Effect Properties
Subtype: Trigger Effect
Trigger Profile: Defines trigger profiles that will be used for this effect. Trigger Profiles can be defined in the Effects Triggers Profile.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Shield Effect Properties
Subtype: Shield Effect
Shield Value: Defines shield value in points.
Hit Count: Defines how many hits the shield can take.
Tags: Define tags of effects that will be taken into account by this shield. These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Reflect?: Defines if the effect with the defined tag will be taken, then if the shield should reflect the damage.
Absorb Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Absorb %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can absorb with each received hit. This value will reduce the Shield Value points.
Reflect Value: Defines the amount of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Reflect %: Defines the percentage value of damage that this shield can reflect, which will be returned to the attacker.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration (s): How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Stack Time: If enabled then instead of stacking power this effect will be stacked by time.
Effect Tags: Defines tags for this effect to assign them to these tags (virtual groups). These tags can be defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply the Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply the Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove the Bonus effect (cripple) as well.
Atavism 10.1.0-
Name: The name of the effect.
Effect Type: Choose the type of effect. Can choose from Damage, Heal, or Stat. Stat Effects can alter the stats of a player or mob.
Damage: Defines different damage types, based on which server will calculate damage output:
Melee Strike Effect: Physical type of damage
Magical Strike Effect: Magical type of damage
Physical DoT Effect: Physical type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Magical DoT Effect: Magical type of damage with additional Duration, Number of Pulses, Stack Limit, which defines how long the effect will last, how many times it will be triggered within that time, and is it stackable to allow few same effects to be active on the target.
Flat Damage Effect: Flat damage doesn’t take any resistance into account.
Note: Physical damage types take into account Physical Power Stat Function which is configurable for Stat and can be defined in Stats Plugin. Important factors are also damaging type and resistance to that damage.
Note: Magical damage types take into account Magical Power Stat Function which is configurable for Stat and can be defined in Stats Plugin. Important factors are also damaging type and resistance to that damage.
Restore: Defines different health and restoration in general for all Vitality Stats Types defined in Stats Plugin (It can be Health, Mana, Weight, but you can define more like Stamina, etc.):
Heal Instant Effect: Instantly recovers the defined amount of Stat
Heal Over Time Effect: Recovers defined amount of Stat over time with an additional parameter like Duration, Stack Limit, Number of Pulses (commonly known as HoT)
Health Transfer Effect: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Revive: When this type of effect is applied it will restore up to 3 Vitality Statistics, like Health, Mana, etc. by a defined percentage.
Stat: This effect type defines which statistics can be changed and if they will be changed by value or percentage (up to 5 statistics). It can be defined to stay after Logout or it can be set as Passive Effect for Passive Abilities.
Stun: Stun effect will prevent any action of the stunning object.
Sleep: Sleep effect is similar to the Stun effect but with one exception, if the Slept target will take any damage then it will be wakened up.
Immune: Immune entity won’t take any damage during Immune Effect is active.
Morph: This effect swaps model of the entity and can change Action Bar
Dispel: Effect can dispel Buffs, Debuffs, All, or Mount Effect. The number of effects that will be dispelled can be defined.
Teleport: This effect can be used in many ways. When Teleport Type is set to Standard it will act as normal Gateway to an instance, but also with one exception, if no Instance is specified it will teleport the player to defined Location but in the same instance. If Teleport Type is set To Target then it will teleport the player to the target location for example to an enemy or a friendly target.
Mount: Effect defines mount which will be spawned and attached to the player. Requires additional definition for Mount Model. It is possible to define the Type of Mount like Ground, Swimming, Flying, but also Speed Increase percentage when the mount is summoned. It also allows to define one additional stat which can be altered for the mounted player.
Build Object: Effect allows to define Building Object to be build when the effect occurs.
Teach Ability: Defines effect which teaches the selected Ability in Abilities Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book or in this case as ability book)
Teach Skill: Defines effect which teaches the selected Skill in Skills Plugin (most common purpose is to act like skill book)
Task: Effect which defines complete task (used as an objective for the quest, defined in Tasks Plugin and attached in Quests Plugin)
State: Set parameter value to true, but doesn’t handle any logic yet.
Threat: Effect is commonly used in increasing or decreasing aggro of mobs. Right now aggro is based on damage dealt, so damage dealers are getting the most attention of mobs, which can be altered by putting an additional effect on different types of Abilities with this Threat Effect.
Create Item: Effect will create an item that can be selected in Items from the list of all items which can be defined in Items Plugin.
Spawn: Effect can spawn a few types of entities, based on a definition in Spawn Type:
Wild: If spawn type is set to Wild Spawn Data will be presented, which defines mob as it would be normally spawned by the administrator but instead it can be spawn through Effect which can be attached to Ability, Interactive Object, Region, etc. Spawn Data is a definition of the mob in Mob Spawn Data Plugin.
Non Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Non-Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow it’s master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin.
Combat Pet: If the spawn type is set to Combat Pet, then Pet Model can be selected, it will follow it’s master/owner/summoner. Pet Model can be defined in Mobs Plugin. Combat Pet has all attributes of Mob Template, it’s level, Health, etc. When effect with such pet is used then in GUI new information will be presented with Pet Command Control with actions: Attack, Follow, Stay and stance: Aggressive, Defensive, Passive.
Set Respawn Location: Effect defines a new spawn location for the player. Useful for a binding player to the specific point to spawn at that point. Can be used in combination with Interactive Objects, Regions, but also Abilities.
Icon: A 2D Texture that can be displayed in the UI for this effect. Only needs set if the effect has a duration.
Damage Effect Properties
Damage Subtype: Based on subtype damage will be calculated by taking physical or magical calculations into account. Available options are:
- MeleeStrikeEffect: Should be used for physical one-time damage types.
- MagicalStrikeEffect: Should be used for magical one-time damage types.
- PhysicalDot: Should be used for magical effects that deal damage over time.
- MagicalDot: Should be used for magical effects that deal damage over time.
- FlatDamageEffect: Should be used for flat one-time damage types.
Damage Property: Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be health or mana.
Damage Type: Choose the damage type this effect uses. This will set which resistance statistic is used in the damage calculations.
Damage Amount: How much damage this ability will cause. If the effect is a Damage over Time effect, the damage will be split up by the number of pulses.
Damage Modifier: The multiplier applied to the final damage amount of the effect. Leave it as 1 for the normal damage amount to be applied.
Transfer Rate: The rate of transfer of the damaged property from the target to the caster. Leave as 0 for no damage. A value of 1 transfers the whole damage amount back as a damaged property to the caster.
Bonus Dmg Effect Req: If the caster has the Bonus Effect on him, then he will deal extra damage (specified below). Only for single target, doesn’t work for AoE.
Bonus Dmg Amount: How much bonus damage will be applied if the caster has the Bonus Effect on him when this effect is triggering.
Damage Delay: How much time in seconds the effect will be delayed on by the server.
Pulse CoordEffect: Defines coord effect prefab which will be applied to pulse on the target.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Revive Effect Properties
Effect Subtype: You can choose one of the following subtypes:
- ReviveEffect: Revive target from death.
Vitality stat (1-3): Which statistic is altered by this effect. Can be a statistic of type Vitality only.
Vitality % Given: Choose the percentage value for the Vitality stat. This percentage will be added on top of the parameter in the Stats Plugin. For example if by default your player will get 50% health when is being released, and you will set 10% here for the health vitality stat, then the player will get 50% + 10%, so 60% in total.
Removable by Player?: Is the effect can be removed by the player (by clicking the left mouse button on the effect below player avatar).
Is Passive?: Is the effect should be passive (used in combination with passive ability, which doesn’t need to be used).
Skill Type: Select skill type from the list, based on this skill type and Skill Mod parameter output effect will be multiplied, like if the skill will be leveled the effect will be more powerful.
Skill Mod: Defines multiplier of the skill level from Skill Type selected in the previous parameter.
Tooltip: Defines description of the effect which will be presented when the player will hover over the effect icon.
Restore (Heal) Effect Properties
Heal Type: HealInstant applies the full heal instantly. HealOverTime applies the heal over time in pulses. HealthTransfer takes health from the caster and transfers it to the target.
Heal Amount: The amount of healing this effect does.
Heal Property: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Transfer Rate: Only used for HealthTransfer effects, the conversion rate affects how much health is transferred from the caster to the target.
Stat Effect Properties
Modify by Percent: Whether the alterations on stats are a percentage or flat number.
Stat #: The stat that will be altered by this effect.
Modification: How much the statistic is being modified by.
Is Buff: Is this effect a positive effect that enhances the target
Is passive: Is the effect a passive one that is automatically applied without needing activation.
Skill Type: What skill this effect is associated with. It can affect the power of the effect.
Skill Mod: The modifier power of the skill on the effect. For example, a value of 1 means it will deal 1 more damage for every skill point in that skill.
Stack Limit: How many times the effect can be stacked on the target. Only applies to effects with a duration.
Allow Multiple: Can multiple stacks of this effect be on the target at once. Only useful on effects with a duration.
Duration: How long the effect lasts on the target.
Num Pulses: Used for over time effects. How many times it will apply the damage or heal during its duration.
Pulse Particle: Not currently active.
Tooltip: A description of the effect that can be displayed on the UI for effects with a duration.
Bonus Effects
Required Effect: The effect required on the target for the Bonus Effect to be applied.
Bonus Effect: The effect that will be applied to the target is the required effect exists.
Is Consumed?: Is the required effect removed from the target when the bonus effect is applied? It will remove the whole stack of the Required Effect.
Removed when Effect Removed?: Should the bonus effect be removed when the main effect has ended? For example, apply Damage effect (DoT), and if the Required effect exists on the target then apply Bonus effect (for example cripple), and if the DoT ends then remove Bonus effect (cripple) as well.