Player Character Setup Plugin
Atavism 10.9.0+
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Race Icon: Defines icon for the race that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class Icon: Defines icon for the class that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Race description: Race description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class description: Class description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Faction: The faction to which the character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
Level XP Profile: Defines levels for your template and rewards that the player can get for getting or losing every level. More information about this element can be found in the Level XP Profile module description.
Sprint: Defines the ability that will be used for the player sprint effect. Sprint as any other key can be bound in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
Dodge: Defines the ability that will be used for dodge. which can be bound to the selected key in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
You can define all attributes of the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
build_stat (Build Stat): Speed for building objects. 100 = 100% building speed
cast_time (Cast Time): Statisting that is designed to affect casting time
cooldown (Cooldown): Statistic that affects all custom cooldowns for abilities
cost (Cost): Affects the cost of all abilities
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attacks
damage_dealt (Damage Dealt): Multiplier of damage dealt by the player to enemies
damage_rec (Damage Received): Multiplier of damage received by the player
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
glob_cooldown (Global Cooldown): Affects global cooldown value for abilities
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
health_dealt (Health Dealt): Multiplier of related effects applied by the player
health_rec (Health Received): Multiplier of healing effects received by the player
health_shift (Health Shift): Example stat that is assigned to the Health statistic and affects its regeneration value (shift value)
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical Accuracy
interruption_chance: (Interruption Chance): Determines a chance to interrupt the casting ability by an enemy
interruption_resistance: (Interruption Resistance): Determines resistance to interrupt casting abilities
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_crit_power (Magical Critical Power): Critical damage power for magical attacks
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade magical attacks
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attacks
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
perception-stealth (Perception Stealth): Statistic that defines perception level. If it’s higher than other entities stealth statistic it will cause that the player will see these entities
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_crit_power (Physical Critical Power): Critical damage power for physical attacks
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
physical_evasion (Physical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
pierce_resistance (Pierce Resistance): Resistance to piercing attacks
potential (Potential): Determines the power of magical attacks
range (Range): Affecting ranges for abilities
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attacks
sleep_chance (Sleep Chance): Determines a chance to apply sleep effect
sleep_resistance (Sleep Resistance): Determines resistance to sleep effects
stamina (Stamina): Example vitality stat that is assigned to be used in a sprint ability
stamina-max (Stamina): Maximum stamina
stealth (Stealth): Statistic opposite to perception-stealth. If it’s higher than other entities perception-stealth statistic it will cause the player will be invisible to them
strength (Strength): Determines the power of physical attacks
stun_chance (Stun Chance): Determines a chance to apply stun effect
stun_resistance (Stun Resistance): Determines resistance to stun effects
weapon_cooldown (Weapon Cooldown): Affects weapon cooldown value for abilities
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as the player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the player’s action bar allowing them the use abilities as soon as they first log in.
Here you can set items that players will have on start. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have to start characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.
Here you can assign a model and an icon related to gender.
Gender: Defines gender for the race/class
Model: Defines model for the gender
Icon: Defines icon for the gender that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene
You can also configure player’s avatars that are in the character creation scene by following this documentation.
Atavism 10.8.0
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Race Icon: Defines icon for the race that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class Icon: Defines icon for the class that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Race description: Race description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class description: Class description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Faction: The faction to which the character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
Sprint: Defines the ability which will be used for the player sprint effect. Sprint as any other key can be bound in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
Level XP Profile: Defines levels for your template and rewards that the player can get for getting or losing every level. More information about this element you find in the Level XP Profile module description.
You can define all attributes of the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
build_stat (Build Stat): Speed for building objects. 100 = 100% building speed
cast_time (Cast Time): Statisting that is designed to affect casting time
cooldown (Cooldown): Statistic that affects all custom cooldowns for abilities
cost (Cost): Affects the cost of all abilities
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attacks
damage_dealt (Damage Dealt): Multiplier of damage dealt by the player to enemies
damage_rec (Damage Received): Multiplier of damage received by the player
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
glob_cooldown (Global Cooldown): Affects global cooldown value for abilities
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
health_dealt (Health Dealt): Multiplier of related effects applied by the player
health_rec (Health Received): Multiplier of healing effects received by the player
health_shift (Health Shift): Example stat that is assigned to the Health statistic and affects its regeneration value (shift value)
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical Accuracy
interruption_chance: (Interruption Chance): Determines a chance to interrupt the casting ability by an enemy
interruption_resistance: (Interruption Resistance): Determines resistance to interrupt casting abilities
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_crit_power (Magical Critical Power): Critical damage power for magical attacks
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade magical attacks
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attacks
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
perception-stealth (Perception Stealth): Statistic that defines perception level. If it’s higher than other entities stealth statistic it will cause that the player will see these entities
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_crit_power (Physical Critical Power): Critical damage power for physical attacks
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
physical_evasion (Physical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
pierce_resistance (Pierce Resistance): Resistance to piercing attacks
potential (Potential): Determines the power of magical attacks
range (Range): Affecting ranges for abilities
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attacks
sleep_chance (Sleep Chance): Determines a chance to apply sleep effect
sleep_resistance (Sleep Resistance): Determines resistance to sleep effects
stamina (Stamina): Example vitality stat that is assigned to be used in a sprint ability
stamina-max (Stamina): Maximum stamina
stealth (Stealth): Statistic opposite to perception-stealth. If it’s higher than other entities perception-stealth statistic it will cause the player will be invisible to them
strength (Strength): Determines the power of physical attacks
stun_chance (Stun Chance): Determines a chance to apply stun effect
stun_resistance (Stun Resistance): Determines resistance to stun effects
weapon_cooldown (Weapon Cooldown): Affects weapon cooldown value for abilities
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as the player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the player’s action bar allowing them the use abilities as soon as they first log in.
Here you can set items that players will have on start. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have to start characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.
Here you can assign a model and an icon related to gender.
Gender: Defines gender for the race/class
Model: Defines model for the gender
Icon: Defines icon for the gender that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene
You can also configure player’s avatars that are in the character creation scene by following this documentation.
Atavism 10.5.0-10.7.0
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Race Icon: Defines icon for the race that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class Icon: Defines icon for the class that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Race description: Race description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Class description: Class description is displayed in the character creation/selection scene.
Faction: Faction to which character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
Sprint: Defines the ability which will be used for the player sprint effect. Sprint as any other key can be bound in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
You can define all attributes for the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
build_stat (Build Stat): Speed for building objects. 100 = 100% building speed
cast_time (Cast Time): Statisting that is designed to affect casting time
cooldown (Cooldown): Statistic that affects all custom cooldowns for abilities
cost (Cost): Affects the cost of all abilities
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attacks
damage_dealt (Damage Dealt): Multiplier of damage dealt by the player to enemies
damage_rec (Damage Received): Multiplier of damage received by the player
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
glob_cooldown (Global Cooldown): Affects global cooldown value for abilities
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
health_dealt (Health Dealt): Multiplier of relating effects applied by the player
health_rec (Health Received): Multiplier of healing effects received by the player
health_shift (Health Shift): Example stat that is assigned to the Health statistic and affecting its regeneration value (shift value)
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical accuracy
interruption_chance: (Interruption Chance): Determines a chance to interrupt casting ability by an enemy
interruption_resistance: (Interruption Resistance): Determines resistance to interrupt casting abilities
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_crit_power (Magical Critical Power): Critical damage power for magical attacks
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade magical attacks
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attacks
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
perception-stealth (Perception Stealth): Statistic that defines perception level. If it’s higher than other entities stealth statistic it will cause that the player will see these entities
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_crit_power (Physical Critical Power): Critical damage power for physical attacks
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
physical_evasion (Physical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
pierce_resistance (Pierce Resistance): Resistance to piercing attacks
potential (Potential): Determines power of magical attacks
range (Range): Affecting ranges for abilities
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attacks
sleep_chance (Sleep Chance): Determines a chance to apply sleep effect
sleep_resistance (Sleep Resistance): Determines resistance to sleep effects
stamina (Stamina): Example vitality stat that is assigned to be used in a sprint ability
stamina-max (Stamina): Maximum stamina
stealth (Stealth): Statistic opposite to perception-stealth. If it’s higher than other entities perception-stealth statistic it will cause that the player will be invisible to them
strength (Strength): Determines power of physical attacks
stun_chance (Stun Chance): Determines a chance to apply stun effect
stun_resistance (Stun Resistance): Determines resistance to stun effects
weapon_cooldown (Weapon Cooldown): Affects weapon cooldown value for abilities
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the player’s action bar allowing them the use of abilities as soon as they first log in.
Here you can set items that players will have on start. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have starting characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.
Here you can assign a model and an icon related to gender.
Gender: Defines gender for the race/class
Model: Defines model for the gender
Icon: Defines icon for the gender that will be displayed in the character creation/selection scene
You can also configure player’s avatars that are in the character creation scene by following this documentation.
Atavism 10.4.0
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Faction: Faction to which character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
Sprint: Defines the ability which will be used for the player sprint effect. Sprint as any other key can be bound in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
You can define all attributes for the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
build_stat (Build Stat): Speed for building objects. 100 = 100% building speed
cast_time (Cast Time): Statisting that is designed to affect casting time
cooldown (Cooldown): Statistic that affects all custom cooldowns for abilities
cost (Cost): Affects the cost of all abilities
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attacks
damage_dealt (Damage Dealt): Multiplier of damage dealt by the player to enemies
damage_rec (Damage Received): Multiplier of damage received by the player
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
glob_cooldown (Global Cooldown): Affects global cooldown value for abilities
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
health_dealt (Health Dealt): Multiplier of relating effects applied by the player
health_rec (Health Received): Multiplier of healing effects received by the player
health_shift (Health Shift): Example stat that is assigned to the Health statistic and affecting its regeneration value (shift value)
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical accuracy
interruption_chance: (Interruption Chance): Determines a chance to interrupt casting ability by an enemy
interruption_resistance: (Interruption Resistance): Determines resistance to interrupt casting abilities
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_crit_power (Magical Critical Power): Critical damage power for magical attacks
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade magical attacks
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attacks
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
perception-stealth (Perception Stealth): Statistic that defines perception level. If it’s higher than other entities stealth statistic it will cause that the player will see these entities
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_crit_power (Physical Critical Power): Critical damage power for physical attacks
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
physical_evasion (Physical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
pierce_resistance (Pierce Resistance): Resistance to piercing attacks
potential (Potential): Determines power of magical attacks
range (Range): Affecting ranges for abilities
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attacks
sleep_chance (Sleep Chance): Determines a chance to apply sleep effect
sleep_resistance (Sleep Resistance): Determines resistance to sleep effects
stamina (Stamina): Example vitality stat that is assigned to be used in a sprint ability
stamina-max (Stamina): Maximum stamina
stealth (Stealth): Statistic opposite to perception-stealth. If it’s higher than other entities perception-stealth statistic it will cause that the player will be invisible to them
strength (Strength): Determines power of physical attacks
stun_chance (Stun Chance): Determines a chance to apply stun effect
stun_resistance (Stun Resistance): Determines resistance to stun effects
weapon_cooldown (Weapon Cooldown): Affects weapon cooldown value for abilities
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the players action bar allowing them the use of abilities as soon as they first log in.
The last thing that can be set for starting characters is the items they have. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have starting characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.
Atavism 10.2.0/10.3.0
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Faction: Faction to which character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
Sprint: Defines the ability which will be used for the player sprint effect. Sprint as any other key can be bound in the Login scene -> Scripts -> Atavism Settings component.
You can define all attributes for the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
cast_time (Cast Time): Statisting that is designed to affect casting time
cooldown (Cooldown): Statistic that affects all custom cooldowns for abilities
cost (Cost): Affects the cost of all abilities
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attacks
damage_dealt (Damage Dealt): Multiplier of damage dealt by the player to enemies
damage_rec (Damage Received): Multiplier of damage received by the player
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
glob_cooldown (Global Cooldown): Affects global cooldown value for abilities
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
health_dealt (Health Dealt): Multiplier of relating effects applied by the player
health_rec (Health Received): Multiplier of healing effects received by the player
health_shift (Health Shift): Example stat that is assigned to the Health statistic and affecting its regeneration value (shift value)
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical accuracy
interruption_chance: (Interruption Chance): Determines a chance to interrupt casting ability by an enemy
interruption_resistance: (Interruption Resistance): Determines resistance to interrupt casting abilities
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_crit_power (Magical Critical Power): Critical damage power for magical attacks
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade magical attacks
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attacks
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
perception-stealth (Perception Stealth): Statistic that defines perception level. If it’s higher than other entities stealth statistic it will cause that the player will see these entities
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_crit_power (Physical Critical Power): Critical damage power for physical attacks
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
physical_evasion (Physical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade physical attacks
pierce_resistance (Pierce Resistance): Resistance to piercing attacks
potential (Potential): Determines power of magical attacks
range (Range): Affecting ranges for abilities
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attacks
sleep_chance (Sleep Chance): Determines a chance to apply sleep effect
sleep_resistance (Sleep Resistance): Determines resistance to sleep effects
stamina (Stamina): Example vitality stat that is assigned to be used in a sprint ability
stamina-max (Stamina): Maximum stamina
stealth (Stealth): Statistic opposite to perception-stealth. If it’s higher than other entities perception-stealth statistic it will cause that the player will be invisible to them
strength (Strength): Determines power of physical attacks
stun_chance (Stun Chance): Determines a chance to apply stun effect
stun_resistance (Stun Resistance): Determines resistance to stun effects
weapon_cooldown (Weapon Cooldown): Affects weapon cooldown value for abilities
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the players action bar allowing them the use of abilities as soon as they first log in.
The last thing that can be set for starting characters is the items they have. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have starting characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.
Atavism 10.1.0-
Character Race: The Race of the Character Template. The options for this are set in the Option Choices Plugin
Character Class: The class of the character template. Options are defined in the Option Choices Plugin.
Faction: Faction to which character belongs, which determines the default stance to other factions. Options are defined in the Factions Plugin.
Instance Name: The instance where a character of the specified Class/Race spawns.
Spawn Location: Where the character will spawn. An object can be dragged from the scene into the GameObject box, or manually specify the x/y/z coordinates.
Orientation: The direction the character should face. Enter the desired angle around the y-axis.
You can define all attributes for the player character:
attack_speed (Attack Speed): Speed for auto-attack (delay between auto attacks in milliseconds)
critic (Critical chance): Chance for a critical attack
crush_resistance (Crash Resistance): Resistance to crash attack
dexterity (Dexterity): Attribute responsible for physical accuracy
endurance (Endurance): One endurance point is equal to 10 health-max points
evasion (Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade a physical attack
health (Health): The base health value for the character. This is not the final health, the health mod stat (by default, endurance) will be added on top of this to give a final health value.
health-max (Health): Maximum health
intelligence (Intelligence): Magical accuracy
magical_critic (Magical Critical Chance): Critical Chance for a magical attack
magical_evasion (Magical Evasion): Attribute responsible to evade a magical attack
magical_resistance (Magical Resistance): Resistance to magical attack
mana (Mana): The base mana value for the character. This is not the final mana, the mana mod stat (by default, willpower) will be added on top of this to give a final mana value.
mana-max (Mana): Maximum mana
movement_speed (Movement Speed): Attribute responsible for movement speed
parry (Parry): Parry attribute decreases damage by 40%
physical_crit (Physical Critical Chance): Critical chance for a physical attack
physical_defense (Physical Defense): Attribute which is transferring with ratio 1:1 three parameters: Crash, Pierce and Slash Resistance
potential (Potential): Determines power of a magical attack
slash_resistance (Slash Resistance): Resistance to slashing attack
strength (Strength): Determines power of a physical attack
weight (Weight): Actual weight
weight-max (Weight): Maximum weight carried by the player
willpower (Willpower): One willpower point is equal to 10 mana-max points
The starting value of stats and how they increase as player levels up can be set for each Race/Class template. It follows the format of starting stat value, how much the value changes each level (as a number), and then how much in percentage it changes. The formula is:
(base_value + (increase * (level-1))) * (1 + ( (percentage / 100) * (level - 1)))
As an example:
crush_resistance: 5
Increases by: 2 and Percent: 3
This means the player starts with 5 for their crush resistance then when they level up to level 2 it will be 7. At level 10 it will be:
(5 + (2 * (10-1))) * (1 + ( (3 / 100) * (10 - 1))) = 29.21 (which will be rounded down to 29).
After a Race/Class template has been created skills can be added. Skills added to a template are known by the character as soon as they are created, and do not cost the player anything to learn. All of the abilities the skill has at level 0 or 1 are also given to the player. These abilities, if non-passive, will then be put on the players action bar allowing them the use of abilities as soon as they first log in.
The last thing that can be set for starting characters is the items they have. Just like Skills, there is no limit to the number of items that can be given to a starting character (but take care not to fill their bags too much). The amount of an item can be set (count) and whether or not it is equipped on the character.
Most games will have starting characters geared up with a weapon and at least some pants and a chest item equipped.